
Ensemble Methods

  • use an ensemble/group of hypotheses
  • diversity important; ensemble of “yes-men” is useless
  • get diverse hypotheses by using
    • different data
    • different algorithms
    • different hyperparameters


  • averaging reduces variance
    • ensemble more stables than individual
    • consider biased coin p(head) = 1/3
      • variance on one flip = 1/3 - 1/9 = 2/9
      • variance on average of 2 flips = 2/9 - 1/9 = 1/9
  • averaging makes less mistakes
    • consider 3 classifiers with accuracy 0.8, 0.7, and 0.7
    • the probability that the majority vote is correct = (f1 correct, f2 correct, f3 wrong) + (f1 correct, f2 wrong, f3 correct) + (f1 wrong, f2 correct, f3 correct) + (f1 correct, f2 correct, f3 correct)
    • = \((.8*.7*.3) + (.8*.3*.3) + (.2*.7*.7) + (.8*.8*.7) \approx 0.82\)


  • use different training sets
    • bootstrap example: pick m examples from labeled data with replacement
    • cross-validation sampling
    • reweight data (boosting, later)
  • use different features
    • random forests “hide” some features


  • unweighted vote
  • weighted vote
    • pay more attention to better predictors
  • cascade
    • filter examples; each level predicts or passes on


  • “boosts” the preformance of another learning algorithm
  • creates a set of classifiers and predicts with weighted vote
  • use different distributions on sample to get diversity
    • up-weight hard, down-weight easy examples
  • note: ensembles used before to reduce variance

If boosting is possible, then:

  • can use fairly wild guesses to produce highly accurate predictions
  • if you can learn “part way” you can learn “all the way”
  • should be able to improve any learning algorithm
  • for any learning problem:
    • either can learn always with nearly perfect accuracy
    • or there exist cases where cannot learn even slightly better than random guessing


Given a training sample S with labels +/-, and a learning algorithm L:

  1. for t from 1 to T do
    1. create distribution \(D_t\) on \(S\)
    2. call \(L\) with \(D_t\) on \(S\) to get hypothesis \(h_t\)
      1. i.e. \(\min \sum_n D_t(n) l(f(x_n), y_n)\) where \(D_t(n)\) is the weight of the sample
    3. calculate weight \(\alpha_t\) for \(h_t\)
  2. final hypothesis is \(F(x) = \sum_t \alpha_t h_t(x)\), or \(H(x)\) = value with most weight



So how do we pick \(D_t\) and \(\alpha_t\)?

  • \(D_1(i) = 1/m\) - the weight assigned to \((x_i, y_i)\) at \(t=1\)
  • given \(D_t\) and \(h_t\):
    • \(D_{t+1}(i) = \frac{D_t(i)}{Z_t} \exp(-\alpha_t y_i h_t(x_i))\)
      • if correct, increase weights by a factor > 1 (positive exponential)
      • otherwise decrease by a factor < 1 (negative exponential)
    • where \(Z_t\) is a normalization factor
    • where \(\alpha_t = \frac{1}{2} \ln (\frac{1-\epsilon_t}{\epsilon_t}) > 0\)
  • \(H_{final}(x) = sign(\sum_t \alpha_t h_t(x))\)



now the weights become \(\frac{1}{10} e^{0.42}\) for the misclassified and \(\frac{1}{10} e^{-0.42}\) for the correct

_images/ex4.png _images/ex5.png _images/ex6.png

Analyzing Error

Thm: Write \(\epsilon_t\) as \(1/2 - \gamma_t\) - \(\gamma_t\) = “edge” = how much better than random guessing. Then:

\[\begin{split}\text{training error}(H_{final}) & \leq \prod_t [2 \sqrt{\epsilon_t (1-\epsilon_t)}] \\ & = \prod_t \sqrt{1-4\gamma_t^2} \\ & \leq \exp(-2\sum_t \gamma_t^2)\end{split}\]

So if \(\forall t: \gamma_t \geq \gamma > 0\), then \(\text{training error}(H_{final}) \leq e^{-2\gamma^2 T}\)

therefore, as \(T \to \infty\), training error \(\to 0\)


Let \(F(x) = \sum_t \alpha_t h_t(x) \to H_{final}(x) = sign(F(x))\)

Step 1: unwrapping recurrence

\[\begin{split}D_{final}(i) & = \frac{1}{m} \frac{\exp(-y_i \sum_t \alpha_t h_t(x_i))}{\prod_t Z_t} \\ & = \frac{1}{m} \frac{\exp(-y_i F(x_i))}{\prod_t Z_t}\end{split}\]

Step 2: training error \((H_{final}) \leq \prod_t Z_t\)

\[\begin{split}\text{training error}(H_{final}) & = \frac{1}{m} \sum_i & 1 & \text{ if } y_i \neq H_{final}(x_i) \\ & & 0 & \text{ otherwise} \\ & = \frac{1}{m} \sum_i & 1 & \text{ if } y_i F(x_i) \leq 0 \\ & & 0 & \text{ otherwise} \\ & \leq \frac{1}{m} \sum_t \exp(-y_i F(x_i)) \\ & = \sum_i D_{final}(i) \prod_t Z_t \\ & = \prod_t Z_t\end{split}\]

Step 3: \(Z_t = 2 \sqrt{\epsilon_t (1-\epsilon_t)}\)

\[\begin{split}Z_t & = \sum_i D_t(i) \exp(-\alpha_t y_i h_t(x_i)) \\ & = \sum_{i:y_i \neq h_t(x_i)} D_t(i)e^{\alpha_t} + \sum_{i:y_i = h_t(x_i)} D_t(i) e^{-\alpha_t} \\ & = \epsilon_t e^{\alpha_t} + (1-\epsilon_t) e^{\alpha_t} \\ & = 2 \sqrt{\epsilon_t (1-\epsilon_t)}\end{split}\]


We expect even as training error approaches 0 as T increases, the test error won’t - overfitting!

We can actually predict “generalization error” (basically test error):

\[\text{generalization error} \leq \text{training error} + \tilde{O}(\sqrt{\frac{dT}{m}})\]

Where \(m\) = # of training samples, \(d\) = “complexity” of weak classifiers, \(T\) = # of rounds

But in reality, it’s not always a tradeoff between training error and test error.

Margin Approach

  • training error only measures whether classifications are right or wrong
  • should also consider confidence of classifications
  • \(H_{final}\) is weighted majority vote of weak classifiers
  • measure confidence by margin = strength of the vote
    • = (weighted fraction voting correctly) - (weighted fraction voting incorrectly)
  • so as we train more, we increase the margin, which leads to a decrease in test loss
  • both AdaBoost and SVMs
    • work by maximizing margins
    • find linear threshold function in high-dimensional space
  • but they use different norms

AdaBoost is:

  • fast
  • simple, easy to program
  • no hyperparameters (except T)
  • flexible, can combine with any learning algorithm
  • no prior knowledge needed about weak learner
  • provably effective (provided a rough rule of thumb)
  • versatile


  • performance depends on data and weak learner
  • consistent with theory, adaboost can fail if:
    • weak classifiers too complex (overfitting)
    • weak classifiers too weak (basically random guessing)
      • underfitting, or low margins -> overfitting
  • susceptible to uniform noise